In the past, I have typically preferred giving and receiving critique through written format through comments or discussion posts. I believe that this makes people more comfortable to voice their opinions, and it may also be difficult for some people to say exactly what they're thinking. It's also useful when the presenter asks a specific question, however, it can also be helpful to know the audience's first impression as well. A particular unsuccessful crit that I remember is when the audience was required to provide their feedback one by one verbally. It can be really difficult to absorb everything at once, and it also hinders the opportunity for unique perspectives and feedback. Eventually, crits like these become more of just a simple "great work" and "I really like this" and don't offer anything useful for the presenter. I hope to get honest critique that will point me to a direction to success. I think at times me and many others are afraid to give constructive criticism at times and only focus on the positive aspects of the presentation. A crit style that I think would be a good approach is the TAG approach. All three- T, A, and G are essential for the presenter to hear from the audience. It also fosters a space that allows constructive critique to be given without the fear of sounding harsh.
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Feb 19, 2024
This week I worked on my personal manifesto. Here is my current personal manifesto draft:
As a designer, my goal is to communicate emotions and narratives through the motion of simple shapes and dynamic colors. I strive to learn about the language of simple elements and apply the principles of animation to tell a story. I believe that breaking some rules is necessary to create a compelling design. It is essential to add a touch/essence of my own personality and experiences to the story I am telling. I will constantly seek inspiration within my life and surroundings to guide me through my creativity. I will extend my inspiration by feeding myself other design work. I want my work to be easy to understand, but also open for interpretation.
Feb 12, 2024
This week, I actually caught something and was sick the entire week. During this time, I had a couple of friends bring me food to make sure I was eating well, and I felt so much gratitude during this period, so I got a spark for my project idea. I switched up my idea a tiny bit, still including the element of gift-giving, but focusing on how gratitude can make you feel so much love and want to show it for others. I came up with a concept called "Fragrant Memory" to maintain the concept of receiving flowers; here is my mood board and concept board:
For my low res prototype, I created a detailed storyboard for the main story line. It's possible that I will add more scenes, but this is what I had in mind this week:
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